Timic (OK)

Timic Typography Communiquer avec peu Timic Typographical Research on default fonts, such as Times New Roman and Comic Sans MS. Info Times new roman Comic sans MS Illustrator Paper, scissor, staples Communiquer avec peu Memory book Photocoplis Affiche composée Timic...

Manuel Pratique (OK)

Manuel Pratique (OK) Communiquer avec peu – Publishing User Manual These different tools are presented to associations as a practical manual. This manual contains the booklet plus a booklet with patterns, stickers and grid for sticky labels, a CD and a...

Affiche Gommettes (OK)

Affiche Gommettes Poster design, typography Communiquer avec peu Affiche Gommettes My Gommette Alphabet contains three levels of hierarchy: regular, bold and small caps. Accompanied by a photocopy to nest box to the elements when creating a poster or picture. Info...

Affiche Composée (OK)

Affiche Composée Poster design Communiquer avec peu Affiche Composée Affiche composée is a banner system based on the combination of three standard formats: A3, A4 and A5. The associations cannot print larger than A3 format because of its cost, so they usually use...

Mémoire (OK)

Mémoire Publishing, book Communiquer avec peu Mémoire My thesis Memory book: Communicate with little and standard mediums, a communication for the proximity non-profitmaking organizations. Info Folio A4 Stickers Photocopier Communiquer avec peu Memory book Photocoplis...