Stroke Stopwatch
App designStroke Stopwatch app
During a stroke, a patient typically loses 2 million neurons per minute. Strokes patients need to be treated as soon as possible, to help hospitals reduce this time this pharmaceutical wanted to create a digital tool that would enable hospitals to reduce their door-to-needle time and therefore reduce the impact of the stroke.
I designed an iOS and Android app based around a timer where the hospital team can record their times, treatments and other information around the patient to have a better understanding of their performances.
iOS & Android app

Help the hospitals workers
Every second counts
We first created a prototype of the stopwatch that we tested in a hospital in Johannesburg for two days, that bring a lot of improvement on the process of treatment (around an average of 15 mins save on treatment) and we continue the project adding features in fives phases and developing also the tablet version.

The prototype (phase 1) was tested for 2 days in the hospital. With just one event, the CT scan.
During a brain stroke, every 15 minutes saved gives the patient a 4% greater chance of independence at discharge, a 4% high chance of survival before discharge and a 4% lower chance of having hemorrhagic transformation.
Onboarding screens
How it works
The Stroke Stopwatch app is a tool that needs to be simple and efficient for the practitioner as it’s used in urgent situations. We made the step very easy, start the timer, add the treatment, stop the timer, targeted questions about the treatment and result graph.

Time tracker
The Stopwatch
Make every second count. The stroke stopwatch allows the practitioner to record and monitor the timing of every stroke admission.
A subtle color code starting from green to red appears in the gauge to quickly alert the practitioner about how long the patient has waited, without being too prominent to don’t alert the patient.
The Stroke Stopwatch is a visual reminder of the situation’s urgency.

Treatment tracker
The event drawer
The Stroke Stopwatch also allows recording the treatments made to the patient, including the crucial CT scan. The time they have been made and the order is very important to know to improve the hospital infrastructures. They can track them in the event drawer that has quickly identifiable icons for each treatment.

End of therapy
When the therapy is finished the practitioner ends the timer and answers a serie of questions to make sure all the data are tracked and we get the best results.

History screens
Track the therapy time
Track the overall hospital therapy time, all the logs are stored and easily visible allowing you to manage your progress.
In the history section, different graphs are showing the average time but also the different treatments times. These data are used to improve the time between the treatments and see where there is too much wait.

Badges and levels
Earning badges help you track your performance and keep the motivation up in stressful situation.
In the history section, different graphs are showing the average time but also the different treatments times. These data are used to improve the time between the treatments and see where there is too much wait.
International use
This app is translated into 13 languages, Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. In every step of the design, I needed to make all components adaptable to these different languages.

Next project
Cycle pharma
Branding, Web design, UX