Abordaje is a little brand of craft handmade embroidery & wool creations I created. The embroidered illustrations have a funny touch, new patterns and many colours. It’s a new way of approaching the embroidery, for that Abordaje is qualified as a pirate of embroidery.
I design the logo and developed all the brand elements for Abordaje, also inventing a packaging adapted for each creation, conducting workshops and artistic collaborations.

The visual identity
Dynamic Visual Identity
Pirate of embroidery
The identity is composed of the needle recalling the embroidery and the handmade mixed with “pirate” element, the waves, the lightning and the nordic font.
This logo is created to be adaptable to different support and evolving with the brand.

Below: visual identity variations

Vivid colours & modified font
The vivid and playful colour palette is chosen to represent this atypical and modern embroidery brand. I also modified the fond with squared serif to reinforce the intention of pirate.

Playing with the brand elements
Continuous renewal
The brand elements and the colours allow creating a palette of patterns and designs to create new and fresh brand applications.
Customised packaging
Each creation, its solution
The pattern plays with the creation to create a unique combination every time.

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